Proper breathing rejuvenates

Proper breathing rejuvenates
 Breathing is the unconditioned reflex. More often than not, we do not even think, how we breathe. However, the technique of breathing can significantly improve health. For example, by using deep breathing can improve metabolism and cleanse the body of toxins. However, properly breathe mostly just kids. With age, this useful skill is lost, and breathing becomes shallow, which together with air pollution and lack of oxygen can affect the physical and mental condition of the body.

Experts believe that the most useful is the so-called "diaphragmatic" breathing. It involves not the chest and abdomen, and the partition that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities. Straining diafragrama massage has a beneficial effect on the liver, intestines and other organs. This type of breathing is dominated by men, women are accustomed to breathe feeding.

Another undeniable truth - you only need to breathe nose. Passing through the nose, the air is cleaned of dust and other small particles, and also hot. In addition, the air irritate capillary blood flow that causes an improvement in the brain.

According to the Indian sages, inhalation should be sharp and fast, but you need to exhale air, on the contrary, slowly. On average, the inhalation must be shorter than the expiratory 3 or 4 times.

Proper breathing should not be frequent. Some yoga can do only 3-6 breaths per minute, while the breathing rate of an adult of at least 12. Also, be aware that the inhalation and exhalation of air should not be made noise.

Proper breathing is able to rejuvenate the body, ridding it of toxins. In order to obtain the maximum effect, must be performed each day special breathing exercises.

Immediately after waking up straight, and lie on your back. Raise your hands up, take a deep breath. Stomach at the same time should be filled with air. Next, hold your breath for no longer than 5 seconds. After that, sit down and exhale touch hands feet. Remember that the exhalation should be slow, try to breathe for at least 10 seconds. Together with an exhalation stomach tighten as close as possible to the spine.

Repeating this exercise must be no more than 10 times. After that, it is desirable to lay down and do an exercise on the muscles of the legs, "to twist the wheel" or just 10-20 raise and lower legs.

Then, open the window and stood before him, repeat 5 more times at deep breathing exercise.

Tags: breathing