How to whiten your teeth with lemon

How to whiten your teeth with lemon
 Teeth whitening is now becoming more and more popular. However, the procedure, which is carried out in dental clinics, not everyone can afford. So some people sometimes use folk remedies for teeth whitening. Including lemon.
 Ways to whiten your teeth a lot of lemon. The main thing - to choose the one that works for you will be the most convenient. So, in order to whiten your teeth with the help of a lemon, you can use and the fruit itself, and just squeezed juice.

Rub lemon peel teeth and hold your mouth open slightly. After a while you will see how the action of ascorbic acid begins destruction of plaque on the enamel.

Also, you can just cut a slice of lemon, take it in your mouth and hold it on the teeth for several minutes. Of course, if you're okay with acidity, the feeling will not pleasant. After a very sour lemon. But for the sake of a little bear with white teeth. Despite the seeming simplicity of this method, you can use it very, very rare. After all, in itself a lemon - fruit from the category of those that contain the active acid. This means that the frequent bleaching agent so aggressive, you are very much spoil the enamel of their teeth.

You can whiten your teeth with lemon and using aid. For example, soda. To do this, either the toothbrush, or a gauze folded in several layers, pour pinch soda. Then squeeze it fresh lemon juice and start brushing your teeth. Use this method should also be cautious and not very often. Again, in order not to destroy the enamel.

Even you can first rub lemon peel teeth or a few drops of juice and then rub soda.

Put a couple of drops of juice svyzhevyzhatogo in its usual toothpaste. It will also help you to make your teeth whiter.

Not much to damage enamel, make a solution of lemon juice. Dilute it with water at a ratio of 1: 1. And rinse your mouth. In addition, it will help you a little butterbur teeth, this solution also disinfects the mouth and odor.

Choose any way, but remember that engaged in similar experiments dental home very carefully and in moderation. Otherwise, you risk only hurt your teeth.

Tags: means tooth lemon whitening