How to whiten yellowed tooth enamel

How to whiten yellowed tooth enamel
 Beautiful smile - the key to your appeal. Its main component - white teeth. But they get no means all, so you should apply several methods of whitening to shine in any situation.
 Causes yellowing enamel are many: from heredity to smoking. And every time people try to change yourself and your habits to embellish your smile. But it is doubtful whether the smoker with twenty years of experience will help the refusal of a bad habit - enamel is yellow so that you have to work on it for a while.

Start with whitening toothpastes. They really help lighten the enamel on a pair of shades. The main rule - buy them at pharmacies or dental offices. This is a guarantee of quality and reliability.

Try to change your toothbrush to a more assertive. Perhaps stiffness work in your case, and mechanical impact rid teeth of plaque. Remember that these brushes can be used two - three times a week, but not always (there is a possibility of damage the enamel).

Use of folk remedies for teeth whitening. For example, baking soda. Dip the brush into the powder and gently rub their teeth, and then apply the usual pasta. Use the services of a soda can be no more than once a week.

Try activated charcoal. Its absorbent properties will save you from annoying yellow. Crush one tablet a finger brush or rub a couple of minutes in the mouth. Then rinse your mouth with water.

Extreme measures in pursuit of the snow-white smile - professional cleaning the mouth and teeth whitening in the dental office. Cleaning the teeth eliminates not only the plaque, but also on the tartar. As a result, you get a natural shade of enamel. Bleaching is the same exposure to chemical agents, solubilizing upper enamel layer. Over time, it can break its integrity, so resort to it is in the most extreme cases.

As preventive measures likely to have used hard fruits and vegetables - apples, carrots and other. And also try to give up coffee and cigarettes.

Tags: tooth, tooth