How to turn from "bluestocking" in the fatal beauty

How to turn from "bluestocking" in the fatal beauty
 In the public mind "bluestocking" metaphorically refers to an intellectual woman, fascinated by science, renouncing personal life, bright, impersonal and utterly devoid of feminine charm. Fatal same woman - quite the opposite. Is it possible to move from one image to another? Many women experience shows that it is possible.

Who does not remember from your school or institute environment some inconspicuous "gray mouse", which became a ball of fire in adulthood? This is a good example of successful change. The single most difficult step in this direction will be the first - awareness of their image and what he nekomforten for its owner. Once this realization, "I feel uncomfortable, and I want more" ambitious and light may be the key to the success of future change.

The image of the femme fatale, sexy ideal is to be in front of my eyes, but not in the sense of a benchmark "for someone to be like," but as a reference to what qualities to seek, something to learn from ideal. And this image is made up of external and internal qualities. Strong, resolute, seasoned with a sense of humor, bright, elegant, impulsive - which will you choose? Let your chosen symbol of femininity, beauty and charm will bring inspiration in the way of change.

The conversion can be started from either inside or outside. Anyway, one thing always drags along the other. You decide to change? So you're strong. You have chosen an image (ideal)? So you already know what you want.

It is easiest to start with the external. It is believed that a positive attitude to affect the beauty and harmony of the external environment, and this is true. One has only to surround yourself with things cozy, fluffy, romantic, elegant - what more like it - as a woman wakes up sensuality, elegance, sophistication. The point, of course, not in things, but in the woman, in her willingness to accept something new.

Next, from the category of external - wardrobe and makeup. Fairy Godmother good nowadays replaced by image-makers, beauty magazines and TV shows. They tell in detail what colors are combined, interested in what has fashionable styles, and how to hide flaws and highlight the merits.

Change the familiar gray and baggy on the little things juicy and fashion model. Spend a little more time than you are used to search for items that meet the criteria and the comfort and put the image. And, of course, do not forget about the hair, makeup and manicure. This does not mean that you should be in the form of vamp from morning to night, but well-groomed fingertips you should be around the clock.

In pursuit of external beauty does not forget about the inner beauty. Namely - about fullness, wholeness and uniqueness of the female personality. Femme fatale - it is also a special outlook on life, self-confidence. Keep your head held high, help not only muscles but also a sense of self-worth. Your hobbies, dreams, aspirations outside of work will give a sparkle in her eyes, help to be active, to keep abreast of.

Femme Fatale is confident that she is beautiful, and all the best should lie at her feet. That she was the one on which the dreams of marrying every third that she's the one that will be guessing riddles, until there is only one that can solve them. And one which automatically selects and should not be the choice men.

Work on your beliefs every night before bed, and they certainly will affect your appearance and lifestyle. And most importantly, in any situation, follow their new convictions. Old thoughts may now and then appear and pull you back in time to track them and replace with new ones.

Tags: mouse, image, stocking, woman, charm, gray, transformation, beauty