How to remove the eyelashes at home

How to remove the eyelashes at home
 Beauty and the amount of eyelash extensions - this is what attracts the masters of capacity, more and more customers. But sooner or later there comes a time when you need to remove the lashes, and then, not all women are willing to go back to the master, and in addition to pay for removal to create beauty. In this article we'll show you how to quickly and easily remove the extended eyelashes at home.

You can enroll in a professional and take advantage of special means used by the masters of capacity. Go to a salon that sells professional tools for cosmetics and beauty industry, and buy there a facility called Debonder. Apply gel bottle on the lashes, and he will dissolve the glue, which they planted. Eyelashes fall off without extra effort on your part in about twenty minutes.


If you can not buy a special tool - visit the pharmacy and buy a bottle of castor or burdock oil, known for its curative and restorative effect on hair. Apply with a cotton bud oil on eyelashes and rinse, then try to remove the lashes. In general, it is recommended to lubricate the eyelashes castor oil for several days after the removal of the increased beams. Remove lashes using oil takes about two hours, so be patient.


You can also use a good fat cream, which can also be bought at a drugstore or cosmetic store. Apply the cream on the area of ​​growth of eyelashes, wait for a while and rinse with extended eyelashes.


If none of the home remedies do not help - so non-standard materials were used when building. In this case, visit a qualified professional, which quickly and effectively remove your lashes for a small fee.

Tags: house, eyelash, removal