Therefore, if you want to keep teeth white, it is necessary to clean them at least 2 times a day - morning and evening. Do not use harsh toothbrushes and not use excessive force when brushing your teeth - that you destroy their enamel. Use toothpaste containing calcium, fluoride and other substances which strengthen the enamel. After each meal rinse your mouth with disinfectant solution: a glass of warm water and 1 teaspoon of salt and soda.
Detrimental effect on tooth enamel nicotine - it accumulates on its surface as a brown patina. Smokers with experience to remove this plaque can only dentist. Immoderate consumption of coffee has the same effect - the teeth "the coffee" will appear yellow.
Avoid too hot or cold food, and even more extreme temperatures - they destroy tooth enamel. You can not, for example, ice cream drink hot tea or coffee.
Darkening of the teeth can be a sign of bowel problems. Poisoning physiological waste adversely affect the whole body, including the state and enamel. Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables. Firstly, it is an excellent mechanical cleaning enamel, secondly, stimulation of the intestine.
Include in your diet foods that contain calcium. In an emergency, you can sprinkle the food heated in a skillet in a coffee grinder and chopped egg shell. However, we must bear in mind that calcium is not absorbed by the body in the absence of vitamin D, at the same time so you can take fish oil.
At least twice a year to visit the dentist.