Contact lenses: types, purpose and use

Contact lenses: types, purpose and use
 Market contact lenses depends on the development of science. Research in this area is not completed, and therefore increases the number of sentences. To understand the current range will brief overview of types of lenses.

Classification of contact lenses based on several parameters. When you select this optical instrument should understand the difference between the lenses that perform different tasks. Some of them are designed for the correction of eye color or a fundamental change in appearance, others - for vision correction.

Change the natural color of your eyes will help tint, color and carnival lens. First adjust the hue of the iris into several colors and are usually recommended to holders of light eyes. Change saturated color is very dark eyes can color models - the paint layer contained within the lens mimics the pattern of the iris and completely covers its true color. For lovers of experiments with the appearance created carnival lens decorated a wide variety of designs. With them you will be able to surprise everyone with a sudden look orange or shock the public eye feline pupils.

The material contact lenses are divided into two main classes: hard and soft. Hard appeared earlier, now their gas-permeable model (allow oxygen to the eye) is used to correct the most difficult problems with vision. More common soft lenses. Among the varieties which, in turn, can be divided into three specific groups - are spherical (myopia and hyperopia correction), toric
(Astigmatism) and multifocal (presbyopia) lenses which differ from each other in shape. Which is right for you can be determined only by the ophthalmologist.

An important factor that determines the wearing comfort - this time use. A couple of the so-called "traditional" lenses are from six months or longer. With the planned replacement of the term is reduced to a few weeks or even up to a day. Each pair of disposable lenses worn only once, in the evening discarded, and in the morning you take the next one. This option is the most convenient in terms of hygiene. However, the price may be set slightly higher than that of the lens designed for a few weeks. Extended wear mode allows you not to remove a couple of weeks before, flexible wearing provides the opportunity to leave the lens in front of the night once or twice, in daylight mode, they put on in the morning and removed at night.

Before you start to wear lenses, be sure to go to an ophthalmologist. Using a special device it will determine what you need correction. The main parameters that you need when buying lenses - the radius of curvature (denoted by the letters BC), diameter (D) and the optical power. And you can not buy a lens based on the prescription for glasses. Since the device is directly on the eye, instead of a few millimeters from it, the number may be different diopters.

Even if you choose a carnival or tint options, consultation with an ophthalmologist is not canceled. Find out which manufacturer produces the most comfortable to wear lenses are the type you need. This is largely determined by their ability to pass moisture and oxygen. In addition, the specialist will tell and show how to put the lens and how to care for them.

The main principle in dealing with lenses - absolute purity. Before you put on or take them off, wash your hands with soap and water and dry waffle towel. Avoid contact lenses cosmetics, particles of hair spray and deodorants. Storage container is better to change as often as possible, at least once every two months. Continued compliance with these recommendations will allow you to feel exceptional comfort when using contact lenses.

Tags: lens, look, purpose, usage