Condiments and spices Beauty

Condiments and spices Beauty
 At a time when the window twenty-first century, we are accustomed to with you to see a variety of spices, seasonings and spices on our kitchen table. "After all, how wonderful it smells with potatoes, and as harmonious and elegant adds a touch thin afloat." Lovely woman, if you think that this miracle properties of herbs and spices come to an end, then you are very much mistaken. The woman - a creature created by God to create beauty. Let's look at what kind of secrets can be kept in yourself these delicious and mouthwatering spices.

So, firstly, that the woman looked perfect, it's just beautiful enough to apply makeup. First of all, you need a clean and healthy skin. Modern creams contain too many chemicals, so they sometimes do more harm than good.

If a woman has a problem with blood circulation, then it is necessary to use vitamin C. chili contains five times more vitamin C than lemon. So is it worth wasting money on expensive creams? Of course not!

A lot of modern women suffer from such problems as oily skin. Nature did not miss this time and created seasonings and spices for beauty and for this case. In this situation, it suffices to use turmeric root, it will not only eliminate shine on problem areas face, but also smooth out wrinkles.

Many women can not pick up a suitable lotion after hair removal, so can try to do it yourself? You will need these seasonings and spices for beauty, like cinnamon and turmeric. Enough to dissolve them in hot water to the consistency of sour cream, and a great calming and slowing hair growth after hair removal lotion ready.

You can make home an excellent cleansing mask. To do this, take a piece of honey and part of turmeric, mix, apply on clean face, and after 15 minutes it will be fresh and purified.

Modern Estheticians recently very often use a variety of spices to the body for different purposes. Every wise woman necessarily take this article as interesting, and her beautician will savory seasonings for its beauty.

Tags: leather, Ambassador, mask, hair removal, beauty, makeup, dressing, lotion, spice