What is the process of aging in cells

What is the process of aging in cells
 Aging has always been a topic of interest to mankind. Scientists at all times trying to figure out why people grow old, get sick and die, and how you can avoid aging. The mechanism of aging cells of living organisms has been studied a group of British and German scientists.

According to the research group of scientists has been found that cellular senescence - a loss of the ability of cells to divide and regenerate tissues. Called the aging process in cells self-accelerating damage to the genome, and the disturbances in DNA lead to the release of substances that activate new violations in the DNA code.

To identify the aging of cells, scientists at Newcastle University (UK) and the University of Ulm (Germany) used the latest advances in the field of laboratory studies and mathematical models of the cells of living organisms. Thanks to this model, they were able to better understand the mechanism of aging.

It was found that aging is directly related to an impaired ability cells to divide, because of what the living tissues are no longer regenerate and perform their functions worse and worse. In addition, cellular senescence chaotic promotes cell proliferation that leads to cancer.

Biologists have described the molecular mechanism of cellular aging: there is a dynamic feedback loop to be run in response to DNA damage, a few days brings the cage to a state of deep cellular aging.

Launched helix DNA damage leads to aging disorders of cell mitochondria, which convert oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the molecule adenosine triphosphate, is the energy source for most of the biochemical processes of the body.

Damaged mitochondria emit a huge amount of reactive species - free radicals that damage DNA, too. A damaged DNA again provoke the release of free radicals. The process of growing, and soon the cell loses the ability to share.

Scientists believe that the results of the study will help to create drugs that affect the aging process in cells and in the future to save people from many diseases associated with aging.

Tags: process, cell aging