The long road to a beautiful smile

The long road to a beautiful smile
 People are always concerned about the purity of the teeth, trying to keep them healthy and beautiful. Means for care of teeth and oral cavity varied from century to century, gradually improved and become more comfortable and effective. Having passed a difficult way to a beautiful smile, humanity has been able to attain perfect teeth.

Ancient people brushed their teeth grit stone, pieces of wool soaked in honey, roots and other exotic devices for the modern man. Complex mixtures that are produced healers, gave teeth whiteness and purified them from food residues.

The first toothbrush appeared in ancient Egypt, and she looked like a stick-sided - one side has a brush on the other - the prototype of modern toothpicks. Tooth powders were drugs to treat diseases of the teeth and gums. Cleaning the teeth with resin gave breathing freshness and actively used by women.

Medieval doctors invented toothpaste - many components are still used for oral hygiene. In Russia, brushed their teeth with chalk and wipe rag. The 20th century brought flavored toothpaste in the usual packaging, mouthwashes and electric toothbrushes.

In addition to the very popular home remedies begin to use dental services. The famous "Hollywood smile" becomes the hallmark of many public people, and have bad teeth is a sign of a bad tone and gaps in education.

Today, the choice of means to care for their teeth wide - toothpastes, gels, powders, yarn, elixirs, etc. In addition to conventional toothpastes, cleaning teeth and freshening breath, there is range of preventive and therapeutic drugs. Special types of toothpaste for children do not contain active ingredients and abrasives, gently cleanse baby teeth.

Only appeared teeth need regular cleaning - to replace the mother's hands with a damp cloth pads come with special brush, which can be worn on the finger. If parents are concerned about the state of the child's teeth from infancy, then there is every chance that the way to a beautiful smile in a child will be short.

Tags: tooth path, smile, cleaning