Never try to dress up in the latest fashion, if the new styles emphasize all your flaws. Owners of wide hips contraindicated tight skirts and dresses. Make hip more elegant, you can use along with the vertical drapes. Emphasize the beautiful chest and legs, while hiding the tummy, you can use the direct semiadherent and trapezoidal along with an emphasis in the neck.
To always look spectacular, get a few things stileobrazuyuschih - branded skirts, jeans, jackets. They should be extremely expensive. But supplement their usual topic, shirts, blouses and bright accessories.
Try to always find time to do their appearance. For stars of show business as well as that of ordinary women, have children and work, but they are engaged in a daily basis. Donate to view the next series and apply cosmetic mask and manicure can be done by taking a bath. Over time, your loved ones will get used, you have time for yourself.
Find your stylist and hairdresser. A good specialist will tell you the right colors and styles of clothing, colors and style makeup and manicure, haircut that will make you younger and more attractive. And do not skimp on them. Many stars would remain no known statistics and if they were not working on the best make-up artists, stylists and barbers.