Secrets of a beautiful gait and lessons

Secrets of a beautiful gait and lessons
 Have you ever wondered how many human gait mean? Perhaps psychologists about something she can tell. But even more valuable and correct gait is beautiful women. After walking can not only emphasize the strengths and hide flaws, but can and vice versa.  

Secrets of the main rules and beautiful gait

First of all, for the purchase of a beautiful gait note but two main points: how do you put your foot on the road, and how do you keep your back and head.

To give yourself a workout setting will not go fast. For example, out of the house with a margin of time on the road.

Pay attention to your posture. Never walk will not be beautiful if you go, drooping shoulders hunched and, in addition, his head inclined forward.

Start with the basics - take a good posture and never forget to control it, because the muscles are used to keep your body in a strictly defined position, and any new position of the body is already perceived as unhealthy and uncomfortable.

Main exercise: high lift your shoulders, take them back and lower. Here and get the correct posture. Remember Zinochka secretary of the "Office Romance"? Chest forward, head up, stomach sucked! Try to just "pull in" the lower rear part of the back (keep the muscles of the buttocks and thighs in suspense) and wagging her hips.

Pay special attention to setting foot during walking - they must be parallel, with subtle turns of socks in different directions (but not inside), but the heel is better to move as if on the same line. Taking a step, put on the surface of the heel first, then move the center of gravity in the middle part of the foot, and end-to-toe.

Do not miss an important point if you want to go smoothly and with dignity - moves ahead of the stop, and after it has moved the body (but not vice versa).

You should not bounce, bounce while walking or moving jerkily, it does not add to the attractiveness of your gait. Adjust the length of his step, he should at length be approximately equal to the size of your foot.

Additional elements of a beautiful gait.

Your body does not consist of the torso and legs, so do not forget about the movements of the head and arms while walking.

The arms should move in rhythm step. Strive chin forward, but not up, and keep your head straight, without tilting and shaking.

Practice good posture and straight in front of the mirror. What would be right to keep his head and shoulders, straighten, lift the chin and put his head exactly at the same time aligning the shoulder line. Stay in this position for a while, then cover the eyes, take arbitrary position, move, without departing from the mirror, and then, still without opening his eyes, gives the body the correct position. Got it?

Still it is possible to practice good posture, walk around the room with a book on his head and holding the book from falling. When out, begins to turn his head, which remains the book, and then do sit-ups, without changing the position.

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