How to wear contact lenses

How to wear contact lenses
 Currently, contact lenses have become increasingly popular means of vision correction. But the use of contact lenses requires accuracy and knowledge of many important details. In addition, it is impossible to pick out their own lenses, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist.

Basic rules of wearing lenses:

1) contact lenses as a result of the diagnosis should pick up the ophthalmologist;

2) buy contact lenses only in specialized stores;

3) Carefully read the instructions supplied with the lens;

4) takes place once a year examination by an ophthalmologist, if you have just started to wear lenses, watched by an ophthalmologist every three months in the first year;

5) Wear clean and well rinsed lenses in a clean room good clean hands;

6) change the containers for contact lenses every 3 months;

7) If the lens is damaged or discolored, it should be replaced;

8) If my eye foreign body, remove the lens to prevent damage to the eye;

9) remove the lenses before swimming, sauna, hot tub and in contact with irritant gases;

10) always carry a container for lenses with a fresh solution;

11) apply makeup or cream after wearing lenses;

12) while wearing lenses often have the feeling of dry eyes, use special eye drops to moisturize that fit your lenses.

13) in the case of redness, eye discomfort, visual disturbances should seek medical advice immediately.

It is strictly forbidden:

1) leave the lenses at night if they are not designed for this purpose;
2) use lenses longer than they are due;
3) once applied the same solution for contact lenses, delayed use solution;
4) store and wash the contact lenses in liquids intended for this;
5) to take the lenses nails, sharp or hard object;
6) use lenses during cold, SARS, flu, or allergies;
7) to put other people's lenses

With lenses can:

• apply makeup, wear perfume and perfume sprays
• Wear sunglasses.
• engage in any active sports and fitness.
• wash and take a shower, not looking up at the water jet
• take pictures, shoot video and look through a microscope
• Led all kinds of vehicles: car, motorcycle, bicycle

What to do if ...?

* Lens stuck together - put the lens in the solution. Give her a deal itself, or use tweezers with silicone tips.
* Lens fell to the floor - rinse under running lens solution, fill the container and lower the lens in a fresh solution. Wait a few hours.
* Lens broken - in this case it can only throw it away and go for the new shop.

Good luck to wear lenses, hope these tips will be useful!

Tags: lens wearing