How to wear colored lenses

How to wear colored lenses
 Colored contact lenses - a very effective way to radically change your appearance. But if you want to wear them without damage to health, you need to comply with certain requirements for their proper operation.
 Colored contact lenses are very popular. The reasons for this are clear, because they can be used to change your image, making it the most memorable, giving your eyes the color that you want. Wearing colored lenses can people with good eyesight (in this case, the lens will be without diopters) and people with bad (when the lens will be with diopters), so they can use virtually anyone.

Many wear colored lenses regularly and for a short time, for example, on some holidays, events and other "go out." But there are people who wear colored lenses every day, from morning till evening. And in fact, in both cases it is important to know how to properly wear lenses because otherwise their use will bring discomfort and may even harm the eyes.

So, how to wear colored lenses?
The most important rule - all manipulations with the lenses must be carried out with clean hands. If you remove and put the lens with your fingers before starting the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and dry them with a towel or wipe, lint-free. Recommending the use of a towel, lint-free, very important, as if almost invisible lint get on the lens, after you insert it, you will feel pain and foreign body sensation in the eye. You will have to remove the lens, rinse it and put again.

If you use tweezers to manipulate the lenses, use only specially designed for this plastic tweezers without damaging the surface of the lens.

It is important to observe the proper storage conditions lenses. In no case can not be used for storage of water lenses, even boiled, distilled or water from the store. Always keep the lens in a special solution. Modern solutions for lenses have all the necessary functions such as lubrication, disinfection, removal of protein deposits. You can use the solutions ReNu (Baush & Lomb), AquaSoft (Avizor), Optima, Maxima, OKVision and others, the main criterion - the comfort of wearing lenses while using the chosen solution.

There is a lens that can be worn at night without removing (although even in this case, is not recommended by ophthalmologists in the lenses during sleep without urgency). Other lenses it is necessary to shoot at bedtime and put in a container with a solution for contact lenses. The maximum residence time in the lenses continuously - 15 hours (it depends on the type of lens and oxygen transmissibility of their capacity). Minimum Time Spent lenses in the container for disinfection required and moisture saturation - at least 4 hours.

Remember that there are situations where the use of lenses is contraindicated. The lenses should not be worn:
1. At the first sign of discomfort in her eyes, dry eyes, redness, burning, blurred vision - it is our body's signals that need to give your eyes a rest.
2. If you plan to be in extremely smoky or dusty environment or in a room where the use of substances that can destroy the surface of the lens (eg, paint, solvents).
3. If you are sick of ARI or other colds, conjunctivitis as well - in this case lenses should not be worn until complete healing.

These are the basic rules of wearing lenses. If all the recommendations you can use colored lenses comfortably and without damage to health.

Tags: eye solution color wearing