How to use oil for stretch marks

How to use oil for stretch marks
 During pregnancy, the skin on his stomach in women tends to stretch. Hence, there is a strong likelihood that there will be stretching. But the recipes are suitable for general ordinary cases, not suitable for pregnant women or those who have recently given birth a child, because in that period of time women's skin needs special care.

The perfect remedy for stretch marks are different oils. Oil for stretch marks will increase the elasticity of the skin, will contribute to its elasticity and prevent stretch marks, of course. Also, a huge plus that you will use and essential fatty oils if you are pregnant, is that they are natural one hundred percent. Extra moisture is required not only for the skin of the abdomen, but also for the breast skin and thighs.

At the beginning of pregnancy is especially important to protect your baby from chemical exposure, which is why oil for stretch marks is almost the only way to deal with their appearance. The best option is such as jojoba oil and wheat germ oil, can still be used and olive oil. Stretching, as such, typically begin in the second half of pregnancy. At this time you can start to use the gel from the stretch, but do not forget the oil, even in this period, it will properly serve you and will be in addition to impeccable cream.

Oils can be used are quite different, can be in pure form, and they can add to the essential oils. The most common during pregnancy are essential oils of neroli oil, lavender and orange. For example, you can make a mixture of four tablespoons of olive oil, two drops of lavender, geranium and two drops two drops of orange. This recipe will help you avoid unwanted stretch marks on the body. To prevent, or if extensions have already appeared, and you're trying to get rid of them, the mixture you have prepared should be applied every day on problem areas. In case you have prepared the mixture too much, you can move it to a bottle of opaque glass and place in the refrigerator, where it will be stored for up to three months. But if suddenly the mixture became exude an unpleasant smell, it is better to throw it away.

Various mixtures with oils to be applied daily to the skin of problem zones. This is done for medicinal purposes and just for prevention.

It so happens that the prepared mixture missing more than one application. In this case, you need to pour it into a dark glass bottle and store in the refrigerator for one to three months. If the smell of oil will be unpleasant, and the mixture is better to throw.

Tags: leather, oils, pregnancy, stretching, belly