How to stop eating sweets

How to stop eating sweets
 For what reasons there is a strong desire to eat sweet foods? Often it is a nervous condition, stress, anxiety. Completely deprive themselves of the opportunity to eat sweets is not necessary. But you can reduce the amount consumed.

Sweet taste is usually associated with us since childhood, with a sense of joy and pleasure. Therefore, eating sweets is one of the ways to protect and discharging the body from accumulated stress.

Theoretically, you can tell yourself that tomorrow you will not be touching your sweet tooth, and stop buying goodies. But the main drawback of this method is that it still is temporary and generally not possible if you do not live alone and in company with other sweet tooth.

British psychologists study showed that women who were forbidden to think about your favorite chocolate, then ate it in a half times more than those who before eating chocolate offered good think about it and to describe their feelings.

Therefore, the ban itself is quite sweet wrong approach. In order to consciously deal with this habit, you must first understand its underlying causes and consequences and develop a real desire to abandon the use of excessive amounts of sweets.

Try to do some introspection, when you next want to "lash out" for dessert, consider what emotions and served as the cause. This usually occurs as a result of anger, anxiety, stress, guilt, boredom, helplessness and loneliness. Note that most often affects your sugar cravings and think how different out of it. Then stop eating sweets to serve for you the only way out of negative emotions.

According to adherents of Oriental Medicine, excessive craving for sweets - a sign of imbalance in the body and helps eliminate it periodic use of bitter foods. For this purpose, grapefruit perfect, which has a bitter taste and contains many useful substances, and a minimum of calories.

Try to move more and exercise, it is not only distract you from eating sweets, but also increase the energy of the body, and thus reduce its need for nourishment.

Moderate consumption of sweets does not harm anyone, but too much can lead not only to the commonplace weight gain, but also to diabetes.

Tags: sweet, diabetes, diet, nutrition, sweetness