How to reduce irritation after shaving

How to reduce irritation after shaving
 Oddly enough, but this is a common problem for men and women. Only in the first irritation appears on the face, and the second - on the legs and elsewhere. Most men have learned to get out of the situation through existing today lotions, gels, creams and similar preparations that care for skin without causing redness and irritation. The main rule - to use them. And what about women?
 Standard set for men during this procedure - is shaving foam, machine and aftershave. Using all of these tools will keep the skin from the obvious damage. It is also important time to change the blade, because the use of a blunt - a pledge of irritation on the skin.

For women is more complicated, as the skin in a fine half tender. And most importantly - most ladies do not even think that it is necessary to humidify before the procedure, because while shaving with unwanted hair removed epidermis, ie the upper part of the skin. As a result there is redness that is just a normal reaction to injury. Themselves redness occur because of the strong blood flow, which comes to heal the wound rather in the affected area. Get rid of redness is quite difficult, because each time repeating the procedure, you again and again hurt the skin surface.

As a way out of the situation, you can not shave anything. But is this possible? No. Here are some tips to remove unwanted vegetation and cause irritation.

Before you begin the procedure, you need to soften the hair. This can be done with warm water, immerse the feet, or simply wrapped them for 5-10 minutes in a warm wet towel. If there is no time for these preparations, it is possible to remove the hair immediately after a warm shower when the skin humidif and to steam, and the hairs are soft and sticking.

Forget about the use of soap, because it does not prepare the skin for shaving, but rather dries, thus causing irritation. In this case, women should follow the example of male and use foam or cream designed specifically for their sensitive skin. The best of these soothing creams - is one that in its composition has aloe vera.

To improve the effect of the foam, apply to problem areas of the skin and leave for a few minutes, so that she could soften the hairs, and then you can start the procedure.

Shaving hair in need of growth direction, i.e. downwards. Of course, it will take longer than shaving in the opposite direction, but this way you do not damage the follicle. Removes hair without pressing the razor and carefully drive it on the problem areas. Otherwise you remove too much layer of the epidermis.

In order to treat the skin after the procedure recommended by dermatologists hydrocortisone cream. It should be applied immediately after shaving as a result of itching and redness will disappear within a few minutes.

 Author: Andrei Yakovlev

Tags: Hair Ambassador, lotion, irritation, inflammation, pubic shaving