How to get rid of yellow teeth on

How to get rid of yellow teeth on
 Charming smile always admired and sympathy of other people. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of having white teeth and well-groomed. There are several ways to help you get rid of yellow teeth, make them beautiful, strong and healthy.

See your dentist at least 2 times a year. This should be done regularly, even if you do not care.

Daily preventive do gymnastics. To do this during brushing, type in your mouth a little cold water and rinse it for 2-3 minutes, then swallow the water in 3 sips. This procedure will help to strengthen teeth and improve salivation.

Rinse your mouth after every meal. This is necessary not only for the purity of the teeth, but to strengthen the muscles of the lips and cheeks.

Get rid of yellow teeth will help you galenic (made herbal powder). To prepare it, take 2 teaspoons of powder erect cinquefoil, 2 teaspoons of powder calamus and 1 teaspoon of powder birch bark. Mix all the ingredients and dilute with water to produce mush. Use this mixture instead of toothpaste.

To remove unpleasant yellow color, take the eggplant, cut into slices fry in a pan until charring. The resulting black powder lubricate the teeth for 3-5 minutes. Following this procedure, it is desirable for an hour not to eat or drink.

Magnificent property has a bleaching lemon juice and baking soda. To make teeth whiter, mix 2-3 drops of lemon juice and a small amount of baking soda. The resulting mass is brushing your teeth is not more than 1 time per week.

Fight the yellowness of teeth is possible by means of ammonia. To do this, soak a cotton ball in it, rub your teeth for 1-2 minutes and rinse your mouth. This procedure can not be performed more than 1-2 times a week.

Use these recipes, because of the beauty of the teeth depends on the charm of your smile.

Tags: tool, tooth, yellowness