How to get rid of white spots on teeth

How to get rid of white spots on teeth
 Fluorosis - a disease that is characterized by the appearance of white spots on the teeth of different sizes. It is caused by excessive intake of fluoride in the body and is often found among residents of certain regions or those people whose professional activity is associated with regular exposure to the substance.
 The first symptoms appear on the incisors, then fluorosis progresses and affects other teeth. Over the years the white spots darken, change their color to brown or brown. Treatment of dental fluorosis includes limiting contact with fluorine - replace toothpastes and mouthwashes on the vehicle without fluorine or with a minimum of material. If the water in your area is very mineralized, then use the cleaning systems and filter it. Changing the diet is to add dairy products, vegetables and fruits. It is also necessary as you can spend more time in the sun, take a multivitamin complexes and fish oil, calcium tablets.

If only there were white spots, then help correct the situation electrophoresis with calcium and sodium fluoride. In the course of the procedure, drugs penetrate the tooth tissue, saturate, strengthen and nourish them. The process of remineralization of enamel is also produced through the use of special drugs - cotton swabs impregnated with an active agent and is applied to the teeth for a few minutes (gum at the same time must be protected by a layer of fat Vaseline). Remodent drug made from animal bones and includes several mineral elements, normalizing the structure of tooth enamel. After the session, you should refrain from eating for two hours. Standard treatment consists of 15-20 regular procedures. Before you perform the procedure recommended remineralization of teeth whitening. Six months later, the course of procedures can be repeated if there is a need in this. A full course of treatment procedures ends ftorlakom teeth to improve their strength. 

If white spots on teeth appear quickly or disease process is not adjusted, resulting in acquired severe course, it is recommended to use the techniques of aesthetic restorations. Affected tissue can be treated with the aim light composite enamel discoloration. The second option - the installation of ceramic veneers. If the teeth begin to break down, it is necessary to consider the possibility of tissue repair using artificial crowns.

Tags: spot, tooth, white, care, white, cavity, fluorosis