How to determine your face shape

How to determine your face shape
 From the shape of your face depends very much - the type that fits your makeup, eyebrow shape and hair style, type the appropriate headgear, accessories and jewelry, and much more. Learn the shape of your face is not difficult - and this knowledge will help you in the future to be guided in the formation of their own style.

Stand directly in front of the mirror and zacheshite hair back, fully opening the oval face. Then a ruler or measuring tape, measure the length from the tip of the chin to the hairline. The resulting figure is divided into three, and then measure the distance from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin.


If the second number is smaller than the first - you have elongated or square type face. If the second number is larger than the first - your face is round or diamond-shaped. If the figures are the same - you have a heart-proportional or oval face.


You can determine the shape of the face and without additional calculations. Looking at myself in the mirror with slicked-back hair, try to determine what geometric shape most remind you of your own oval face.


If you have broad cheeks, cheekbones, and the length of the face is approximately equal to the width of it - you are the owner of a round face.


If a person is elongated, and the forehead, cheeks and chin are of equal width - you have an elongated oval face.


The square type of person says flat line the side lines of the forehead, cheeks and chin in conjunction with a flat square jaw.


Tapering from the forehead lines cheekbones and cheeks, running into a sharp chin, talk about the type of heart-shaped face.


Determine the ratio of the size of your forehead to the chin. Oval face type differs forehead, slightly wider than the chin, and slightly prominent cheekbones.


Chin with a round face tapers slightly at the bottom, forming a flat oval.

Useful Tips

Knowing the shape of your face, you can emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of hide with the right make-up and hairstyles suitable form.

Tags: person, shape, type