How to determine your type

How to determine your type
 Despite the fact that men 'eyes like "attracts them in women, mostly their internal contents. According to research by psychologists, there are five women typecasting, and each of them like men in their own way.
 Type "blonde in life" - the blonde to the bone, and not just a woman with light hair color. Sweetheart, immediate and flirtatious. It simply refers to life, but one of the distinguishing features is its capriciousness.

Moreover, it appears not hysterical antics, and naive allusions to the desired gentle and ingratiating voice. For example, if this blonde broken faucet, it will not run to look for an adjustable wrench, and charmingly slapping cilia, planted his hands helplessly.

Blonde on a life very skillfully uses the technique of pickup and flirting. She uses it even to her own husband, and the husband is usually very generous estimate.

Type "teenage girl" usually attracts insecure men who find it difficult to decide anything. In family life, these women tend to be in the lead and keep her husband "under the thumb".

They conquer their activity and efficiency. However, a wise woman-girl realizes that the man sometimes you want to take the initiative and feel like loving husband, caring for his very young wife. In this situation, it begins to behave like a carefree teenage girl.

Seeing type "gorgeous woman," men often sigh longingly. They are very popular so beautiful, regal ladies.

Luxury woman - the embodiment of femininity, it looks and behaves like a real queen, and always remembers about his mission - to conquer men. She is mysterious, affectionate and compelling. Be strict chief not her style.

With Description "cute simpleton" and can go to the Philharmonic, and drink a beer. Typically, this type of women attracted the same open and simple men. In family life simpleton not turn up their noses, even with an Oxford degree. She enjoys spending time with her husband in the garage and walk with him to the football.

Type "second mother" involves a very active men, or "mama's little boys." This woman - the keeper of the hearth. She alone decides all family and domestic problems without requiring help from her husband. However clever "second mother" understands that "child" can sometimes go to the shop.

Tags: woman type