How to choose the color contact lenses

How to choose the color contact lenses
 Beautiful eyes - decoration of any woman, and as a rule, their natural eye color blends very well with the whole appearance. But sometimes you want to change something in their appearance, including eye color. In this woman's desire to come to the aid of the achievements of modern medical industry. You can easily change the color of eyes with colored contact lenses.

Wearing contact lenses in recent decades it has become so popular that in your town you can easily find a medical facility specializing in contact lens vision correction. There you will be able to choose for themselves and colored lenses.

Important in this process - just to determine the color - what do you want a "new" eyes.

And then - you need to choose the type of lens that you would like to wear. So, colored lenses are of two types: translucent and opaque. Let us examine this in more detail - the type of lenses is very important for a comfortable fit.

1. translucent lens - this type of lens tinting native color adds color. This view does not change your mind drastically, it will give them a more vivid color. Translucent lens is not completely painted over, and if you're on brown eyes dress a lens soft blue color, your own color will be visible. Therefore, translucent lenses are recommended for light - blue, gray, light green eyes, to give extra color and luster.

2. Opaque lenses are suitable for those who want to radically change your natural eye color. Lenses of this type are painted completely, and you can wear them, not paying attention to your own color.

On the interior you have decided on the color you also picked up. Now ophthalmologist look your eyes to check their condition and health. After examination the doctor will recommend you the kind of lenses that will be optimal for you. Also specialist will recommend you the means to care for lenses and eyes - do not give up such funds. Lenses, as if you yourself comfortable in them or felt, yet prevent food-eye oxygen. Drops, gels, vitamins for the eyes will be very helpful.

If in addition to color changes, you need to correct vision, you will pick up corrective colored contact lenses.

In that case, if you spend a lot of time behind the wheel, first check how comfortable you feel in the colored lenses. This is especially true of translucent lenses in the transition out of the shadows and back.

And finally, a little advice - when choosing a new eye color, prefer natural colors. Otherwise, it will be clear that you are wearing lenses.

Tags: lens, vision, color correction, ophthalmologist