How to bring order to the beautician

How to bring order to the beautician
 "God saw the lady's handbag and created ... the trash." This wonderful and very exact phrase is absolutely applicable to the ladies' cosmetic bag. Almost always they are supersaturated heap of any funds that are not needed every day and beautician, stuffed them, and look to burst at the seams. We will immediately understand - how to bring order to the beautician.

If anyone doubts that it must be done immediately call a couple of important arguments in favor of "clean" in the beautician. First - God forbid, your man sees what a mess and jumble happening in your inner sanctum. Firstly, he immediately decides that you are a slut, and secondly, suspect that your beauty, to put it mildly, it is not of natural origin. Men do not like makeup. They may like the result, but do not like the process, the amount of money and effort that is spent on girls, as well as taste and smell. What a difference when you touch a soft feminine lips and inhale the scent of a woman's skin. Therefore, all lipstick, nail polish, powder and other produce in them a feeling akin to disgust.

The second argument to restore order - you will be much easier to carry your bag. And look all together will be much more aesthetic. So get down to business.

To begin dumped the contents of your cosmetics on the table. If you were in front of several kinds of lipsticks, podvodok, pencils for lips and eyes, you know - it's just too much. Ideally, they say that in the women's handbag should be observed only scarlet lipstick. But this level of legends least because not everyone goes scarlet lipstick, and mascara or eyeliner no less important thing to create beauty on your face.

Therefore, the main criterion in the selection of funds committed to finding in your handbag should be daily demand. Carry only what you use every day. And outside the home. Your morning make-up may consist of several shades of foundation, shadows, blush, applied five brushes from the best manufacturers, but it should stay in your home. Certainly, in the office, you do not spend an hour of time for the resumption of this work of art. Exceptions to this rule are possible if you do not plan to spend the night at home. But then add up all your slozhnosochinennye decorative means in a separate special bag (if you are not able to do without it in the morning).

And better yet leave the house. Because if you spend the night in a man, do not frighten him miniskladom your cosmetics. He will take it as a seizure of its territory and the next meeting is simply not going to happen. And if you spend the night outside the city or with a friend, time to make-up is likely to be less than usual, in fact you are going to spill the beans midnight. So it is better to sleep longer in the morning - will benefit more.

So, a list of necessary, ie remaining in your cosmetic bag, every day is in your handbag should look something like this: lipstick, balm and lip liner, eye shadow (if you really corrects eye makeup during the day), eyeliner and mascara on the occurrence of unanticipated smearing due to snow, rain or tears, and powder or foundation. All !!! If something from me you called is not in use, the better!

And remember, beautician should be graceful and attracts the eye with its mystery men (but not bloated). The way they perceive it as something forbidden, inaccessible to their understanding and consigning you to a clan of women with a capital letter. The practical purpose of the contents of this accessory let remains a mystery to them.

Tags: cosmetics, order, handbag