How do noseRings

How do noseRings
 Do nose piercing - pretty ancient practice that dates its roots in India. Now piercings performed in specialized shops, but there are brave souls who make it at home. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to comply with the mandatory conditions.
 The most popular type of piercing today - it's nostrils and puncture the septum (nasal septum). Other, less common types of punctures, emerged in our society when it became fashionable. Piercing is known in many nations of the world - the Bedouins, the Aztecs, the Maya, the Australian aborigines and many others.

If you decide to pierce the nose, you should find out about contraindications by a doctor, so you did not raise serious difficulties. You can not do a puncture if you have a blood disease or a bleeding disorder, there are any acute illness, chronic disease (severe) of the internal organs and systems, if you are prone to allergic reactions (intolerance metals for example) and other contraindications.

So, you're at home and burning desire to pierce his nose alone. The easiest way to pierce the nostril. If the court of the winter, it's good, because the summer is better to not do this due to sweating and the presence of dust. Obtain the required material: surgical gloves and sterile cotton wool. And for the most piercing needle is required from a dropper (acute and it comes with a plastic tube).

Next, you need about 100 ml of alcohol, but about anesthesia, it is better without it, because prick yourself to do difficult, and dangerous. Especially if you have allergies, you may receive run-off. After the procedure, you must be in possession of antibiotic ointment, boric or salicylic alcohol, and it is best to stock up two antiseptics - chlorhexidine and miramistina.

After perfect on his nose procedure, try not to touch your piercing, that he heals quickly. Twice daily treat the puncture site listed above two antiseptics, and do not change the decoration until it has healed channel and wound. Usually it takes place in a month.

Of course do not forget about safety precautions after (and before) healing. Carefully remove and put on clothes, carefully use a towel and doubly beware for colds, such as the common cold.

Better, of course, to pierce his nose in clinics, because they have all the tools and ornaments are sterile and disposable needles. In such institutions puncture is performed quickly (with a sterile needle) and almost do not feel pain.

Tags: nose piercing