Force, conquering age

Force, conquering age
 As you do not want ten years to become a wrinkled old woman hunched. Infirmity, decrepitude, body aches, memory lapses - all fragments rather sad picture called old age. But I wonder, is it possible to somehow trick your physiological age and old age to remain alert and strong? After all, the network also means, for sure.

If you do not want your body refused to serve you ahead of time, if you please keep it in working condition is active. In other words, you need to constantly give your muscles the load. In his youth, the need for movement and constant physical exercises are not so obvious, because the muscles are toned and quickly restored. But with age, muscle tissue begins to weaken and if at this point you have not strengthened their muscles properly, they become decrepit and ill will listen to you. Hence the conclusion - Exercise! In a strong, healthy body all processes run faster and harder. Enhanced cell metabolism, and, consequently, they recover faster and slower aging. And you just what you need.

Heard about willpower? Yes, yes, it makes you get up every day at seven in the morning out of bed to go to work. Meanwhile, willpower can be helpful in the fight against aging. You do need to do a lot of things that age is not made itself felt, that connect the willpower to this occupation. If you know exactly what it is necessary to be at least three miles a day and eat a carrot, and you just too lazy to do, will-power to help you. Believe me, there is nothing that lifts the morale than the constant reassurance himself.

How often do you laugh at yourself? Not very often, well, nothing. Scientists have shown that humor increases immunity and helps fight depression and various diseases. When a humorous look at the situation, it is much easier to go through. Stop yourself constantly nag because in life that something is wrong, just accept it and try to laugh at themselves. By the way, the laughter - it is also an excellent workout for the facial muscles. If you often laugh skin for longer stays in good shape and not sag.

Love! The power of love can work miracles. It heals the deadly disease, the doctor wounds, helps to find people without a map and compass, as well as improves mood and just makes us happy. If you experience love, your life has meaning. And to have a purpose in life - probably the most important thing. Among other things, sex, even in very old age, is one of the most useful health and anti-aging treatments. So if you feel the strength and desire - do not stop himself.

Every age is beautiful in its own way. Do not be afraid of old age or older, it's a natural process, inherent in any living organism. With age comes experience, knowledge and wisdom, and it, well worth it. Love yourself, no matter how many years you did not have and learn how to find the strength, winning your age to live and enjoy life.

Tags: strength, age, struggle