Cosmetic ice - beauty secret weapon

Cosmetic ice - beauty secret weapon
 By Catherine II appreciated the life-giving benefits of ice for face. Now the ice cubes for cosmetic purposes are almost all women. Cosmetic ice perfectly toned face and neck, invigorates it. No more simple and so effective cosmetic product than ice.

Already for many cosmetic use of ice was a pleasant alternative or complement to the morning and evening washing. After massage cosmetic ice gives a lot of advantages:

- Cleans, refreshes and tones the skin;
- Gives the face a fresh new look and a natural glow;
- Improves skin elasticity;
- Rejuvenates, smoothes fine wrinkles;
- Relieves irritation, inflammation slack pores;
- Intensely moisturizes.

Prepare yourself cosmetic ice is not difficult. It's enough to freeze the mineral water without gas or decoctions of herbs that are suitable for your skin type. It is also possible to prepare cosmetic ice using fruit and vegetable juices. Beauticians recommend alternate mineral cubes and cubes with plant extracts. And if you have allergic reactions to always use one type of ice that best suits your skin.

To date, many companies producing cosmetics, offer in its range of special formulations for freezing and ready briquettes with lotions that before applying enough to put in the freezer.

Apply cosmetic ice is quite simple. It is necessary to remove from the mold a few ice cubes and lightly massaging gently wipe the face, neck and décolleté for a minute or two. For convenience, the ice cubes may be placed in a thin cotton cloth. Wipe it with a clean skin. To carry out this procedure must be fast enough, barely touching the skin and not stopping at one place. After the massage ice cubes should not wipe or soak your skin - you need to give useful substances absorbed. A few minutes later, when the moisture is absorbed enough, use the appropriate face cream.

The greatest effect is achieved when using the cosmetic ice twice a day - in the morning and evening.

In cosmetic ice, as in other procedures, there is a contraindication. You can not use in the presence of ice on the skin vascular mesh, inflamed pimples or open wounds. Ice massage can aggravate the situation. Also, do not use ice shortly before going outside in the cold season.

Tags: skin, face, beauty, care, Leda