Beautiful curve: how eyelash curler

Beautiful curve: how eyelash curler
 Make seductive lashes bend in various ways. Fortunately, the beauty industry is not standing still. To do this, you need quite a bit of free time, patience and money.
 To achieve quick results is possible by means of high-quality twisted applicator mascara. Desirably, the brush had a curved shape. Pay attention to the price - good cosmetics is not cheap. It's not even in the brand, and in the composition. Apply the first coat of mascara. Enter the brush from root to tip, slightly bending the hairs. Then apply a second coat, and evaluate the results. If you have the nature of rare and short eyelashes, this version does not suit you.

You can give the seductive curve of curling. Wash, apply mascara to the eyelashes colorless or fortified gel. Attach forceps directly to the base of the roots and close the device. After a few minutes you can start coloring already curled cilia. If you are not satisfied with the effect, repeat the done again.

There is a thermal method eyelash curler. To use it, you must purchase a device which is of the type resembles something normal curling hair. It should be noted that the stunning effect lasts very long, and in wet weather from him not a trace left after 20 minutes. With regular curling eyelashes hairs are rare and short.

Perm will give you a delightful bending over a large period of time. It is divided into several types: to curl, radical and comprehensive. Curl so you can even short hairs. Choose a professional beauty studio to make the procedure. Experienced master will pick you gentle formulation that is less traumatic for the eyelashes.

If, after a regular curling your eyelashes began to drop, restore them using castor or burdock oil. Apply it on the hairs every evening. Within a few weeks you will notice a clear improvement.

Tags: eyelash, fashion, curling, bending