The use of fresh juices

The use of fresh juices
 The benefits of fresh juices talk a lot and write often. But, like all healthy foods, fresh juices should be consumed wisely and carefully dosed. Otherwise, damage to benefit from - one step.

Since most of the minerals and vitamins it contains juice of fruits and vegetables, fresh juice is a veritable storehouse of nutrients. Therefore, the reception of fresh juices are included in many therapeutic and beauty programs for healing and rejuvenation. A juice cure even separated the medical direction.

Different juices have different on your profile and intensity of the action. Apple juice, for example, is rich in pectin, which adsorb heavy metals and slags. Pear is a diuretic and regulates the metabolism, so it is recommended for obesity and rehabilitation after acute inflammatory diseases of the kidney. Orange juice - a recognized leader in toning and enrich the body with vitamin C. Pineapple juice contains bromelain - a unique substance that helps burn fat more rapidly during exercise and regulate metabolism. Kiwi juice perfectly clean vessels, so they recommend drinking in atherosclerosis and high cholesterol. Grapefruit juice copes with high blood pressure, supplies the body with vitamin C. A pomegranate - the leader among the juices in the number it contains antioxidants. Also, it is recommended to drink to increase hemoglobin and the body's resistance.

Vegetable juices, yielding much fruit to taste, surpass their usefulness. This storehouse of vitamins, sugars, iodine, iron, manganese - beet juice. It is recommended to take in case of problems with digestion, kidneys and lymphatic system stagnation. Carrot juice, due to the high concentration of niacin, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and phosphorus and strengthens the nervous system, raises the tone and improve vision.

It is recommended to mix together vegetable and fruit juices, as well as drinking juice for 30-40 minutes before meals. Adopted after eating juice can cause flatulence and bloating. Maximum consumption of fresh juices is 300 ml per day, but up to this amount, it is desirable to bring the juice consumption gradually. In addition, before taking each type of juice should be familiar with contraindications and recommendations on the use of a particular type of juice.

Tags: organism, juice, substance use