The rarest eye color

The rarest eye color
 Each girl is nice to hear compliments in his address, including when these compliments relate beauty of her eyes. Attention is drawn to unusual eye colors. Maybe nature has given you a rare eye color?
 Everyone has their eye color. Blue, brown, gray, green, and others - flowers themselves, in fact, not so much, but the shades - a huge amount. The fact that the iris consists of two layers, they are pigments and their location depends on the color of the eye. May have considerable influence and blood vessels, fiber shell, the amount of melanin in the body.

The most common eye color on the planet - brown, but the most rare - green. According to statistics, green eyes have no more than 2% of the population of the globe. Scientists believe that an important role in this was played by the Holy Inquisition, which in the period up to the XIII and XIX century recognized the red girls with green eyes witches and burned them at the stake.

Green color is obtained because of the small amount of melanin in the body by mixing a light brown or yellow and blue. This eye color is most common in Turkey, where green eyes are about 20% of the population. Also, the color of the eyes can often be seen in the western and eastern Slavs, Iceland, Germany, Scotland. But in South America, Asia and the Middle East, people with green eyes almost never occur.

Other unusual eye color

Among the rare true purple eyes. This color appears as the result of a genetic mutation. What is interesting, at birth the child has quite traditional eye color - gray, blue, or blue, but about six months of life begins to change color in purple strontium. The whole process takes about six months. The final color change occurs at puberty - eye color is dark purple or violet-blue. The most famous owner of purple eye - Elizabeth Taylor.

Another rare eye color - red. Its holders are people with congenital absence of the pigment of the skin and hair pigment and iris. The eyes of these people do not have any color. Red color that can be seen is the blood vessels in the iris.

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