Sweet almonds for beautiful skin

Sweet almonds for beautiful skin
 Rich and friendly composition of sweet almond oil is suitable for all skin types. He gently cares for sensitive, dry and aging skin. Protects against chapping, treats early stages of herpes on the lips, sunburn, eliminates cracks and also helpful for eczema.
 Sweet almond oil has anti-inflammatory, soothing, smoothing and nourishing effect. Perfectly softens the skin, prevents the expansion of pores and reduces the likelihood of inflammation. Because vitamin F, which is a part of this oil, it normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, and vitamin E slows the aging process of skin cells. Use this oil can undiluted as a base substrate.

Effectively apply almond oil in the form of applications for wrinkled skin. To do this, apply cloths soaked 2-3 drops of oil on the problem areas (corners of the lips, eyes, etc.). Treatment time 20-30 minutes.

A mixture of almond and essential oils of ylang-ylang and lemon will help to restore the fortress nails and reduce brittleness. Every day should be applied to a mixture of oils okolonogtevoy skin and nails themselves in the proportion of 2 drops of lemon oil and ylang ylang to 10 drops of almond.

The use of almond oil in the form of masks for hair stimulates their growth and prevents hair loss, gives elasticity and healthy shine. Oil must be rubbed into the scalp before washing.

Massage with almond oil helps to eliminate toxins and excess fluid, helps fight cellulite, stimulates blood circulation, tightens and firms the skin. It is perfect for massage during pregnancy, thus prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

Soften the hardened areas of the body will help the composition of 1 tablespoon almond oil with 1 drop of lavender essential oil, and the same amount of oil of rosemary. Applying the resulting mixture to the skin is necessary for 15-20 minutes daily.

Almond hand masks provide healing and regenerating effect. The oil must be heated a little, put on clean skin of the hands and rub. Can be used instead of a conventional hand cream.

Tags: leather, almond oil, massage action