Slack smile

Slack smile
 What should be a smile? Sweet and feminine, and can be daring and challenging? There are women who smile simply and openly, to the delight of others, and someone is making every effort, but he can not comprehend this art. So how do you smile right?

First of all, a smile to be natural. If you do not feel that you want to smile, it is better not to do it. Believe me, there is nothing worse than an artificial laughter and fake smile. If you are afraid to offend people, smile slightly, slightly changing the angle of his lips. This will not look strained, and at the same time will make it clear to your friend that you respond to his words or a joke.

Many people like these strangely enough, do not know how to smile. That is, they smile, of course, but what you end up with, and sometimes has a repellent effect. But the fact that these people simply do not think about how to look at the time, that's beyond their nonsense. If you know exactly what you need on a smile to work, start with that smile mirror. Just experiment with the different versions of stretching the lips and select the most appropriate.

What is the most famous smile in the world? That's right, Mona Lisa's smile. This question and answers child, while the well-known beauty and did not smile. There is such a secret: you can smile eyes, tip of the nose, dimples, but, in any case, not the lips. After all, in order to convey to others the mood and show the location, not necessarily show facial expressions clown. Sometimes enough to make a few accents, and people will understand you.

Smile has a truly magical and magical properties. It is able to lift the mood, is able to attract attention or to indicate a person on any error or inaccuracy. Appointments in a lot of smiles and smiles themselves as well there are countless. And you know what the easiest and fastest way to smile? Remember something very, very nice. By the way, smile, evoking memories tend to be the most tender and sincere, because you remove the memory of the event in advance filtering information. So, when the expression of sincere joy on your face any obvious problems, and the joy of this at the moment you just desperately needed, contact your memory.

And another thing, if you are considering a facelift, consider the fact that smile just like you did before, you are likely to no longer work. After all, the skin is stretched to you around the mouth and chin, and these places take in mimicry smile most directly involved. Therefore, if you want to keep the naturalness and charm, take care of your smile, because it is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

Tags: smile