Skin rejuvenation at home

Skin rejuvenation at home
 On the eve of his 30th birthday, many women face the problem of facial wrinkles. The reason for their appearance are age-related changes: the skin loses moisture disappears subcutaneous fat, veils become dry and dull. Bad habits, stress, poor environment only accelerate these processes. The best tool that allows you to slow down skin aging - a comprehensive anti-aging care.
 A great alternative to expensive salon treatments become home remedies. The main condition - to care for a person on a regular basis, not too lazy, every day to clean and moisturize the skin. Using natural ingredients to create masks and lotions, you not only save money but and protecting the skin from exposure to chemicals that make up many resources. In addition, the process of creating a fragrant homemade cosmetics is able to deliver a lot of fun.

The first phase of anti-aging care - skin cleansing. Try to cook fitolosony from the leaves of herbs. Popular recipe-based tools mint: Pour 2 tablespoons of dried mint leaves 0, 5 liters of boiling water for 10 minutes, keep on low heat. In the cooled broth, add 2 tablespoons of tincture of calendula, 4 - infusion of boric alcohol and 1 teaspoon of vinegar and lemon juice. Shake the resulting mixture, and keep out of reach of the sun's rays. Through the use of this tool, your skin will become smooth and healthy-looking color.

A similar result can be achieved using lotion parsley. A handful of fresh or dried leaves and roots of this plant should pour a glass of boiling water, then infuse for an hour. Then get the funds should drain and mix with 50 g of dry white wine.

The next step - the use of masks, promotes skin rejuvenation and anti-wrinkle. Easy to prepare milk mask: add a small amount of milk in the flour to the mixture the consistency of liquid cream. Then type in the egg yolk. Apply the mask on your face and keep for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and lemon juice.

Do not forget to use for cosmetic purposes seasonal vegetables and fruits. Rub on a small grater strawberries, peach pulp, cucumber or potato. Apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. So you saturate the skin with vitamins and beneficial trace elements, which are rich in fresh fruit.

Tags: leather, house, home, condition, mask, care, rejuvenation