The technology consists in the action of the laser, which has thousands of microchannels, stimulates metabolism in the skin cells and helps the skin heal itself through its own reserves. The ability of a special nozzle finely crush the laser beam allows the less damage the skin. In comparison with other methods of rejuvenation laser when in the fight against wrinkles there was a need to "cut" laser epidermis and wait to grow new skin, laser nanoperforatsiya considered sufficiently gentle method.
Ease nanoperforatsii laser skin in the fact that it is carried out exclusively at outpatient without hospitalization. During the procedure, do not need none of the types of anesthesia, because the method is completely painless. The only thing that may bother in the first two or three days - a slight reddening of the skin. Visible effects of nanoperforatsii manifested in three or four days, although the majority of patients noted improvement in the skin after an average of three weeks. Procedure is usually performed by two to three, and the effect duration - six.
Laser skin nanoperforatsiya allows to improve the state of the face, hands, décolleté, neck. You can use it to get rid of facial wrinkles and age, "crow's feet", stretch marks, acne, narrow pores. By strengthening the processes of regeneration stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, improves complexion, improves skin elasticity, smooths. Under the influence of laser accelerated mikroluchey division of skin cells and restores skin structure. In this case, there are no age limits: nanoperforatsiya available as a young girl (for the prevention of aging) and mature women (for deep correction and rejuvenation).