How to improve the skin

How to improve the skin
 Beautiful skin - one of the most important components of the beauty and health indicators. Perfect skin goes far all blame and stress, and external factors - bad ecology, unfortunately, has not been canceled. But make your skin better is quite simple, the main thing - consistency and persistence. So, how to improve your skin?

First, understand that no cosmetics, pharmacy and even expensive, will not save your skin if you do not watch your diet. For skin of essential vitamins, as well as the balance of proteins and vitamins. Eat citrus fruits - Vitamin C gives the skin elasticity and keeps cells. Much of this vitamin in broccoli, so feel free to add it to the menu! Vitamin not only save you from stress (as perfectly strengthens the nervous system), but also reduce the oiliness of the skin, increase its elasticity. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, try not to fry meat and fish, and cook them steamed or stew. Speaking of fish: give preference to fat varieties containing omega-3 fatty acids, they are very Promoting perfect skin. Dairy products should also be on your desk at least three times a week.


Determine the type of skin and revise all the care products - from the gel for washing and finishing serum to the skin around the eyes. If your skin is oily, do not select the heavy nutritional means, but do not forget that with a zeal to clean and dry it in no way be a coma - the result will be the opposite. Oily skin, so as not to produce too much of a secret, moisturizing once again still very necessary. Gently clean it, removing dead skin particles and releasing the blocked pores, then wipe the tonic with a small amount of alcohol and apply a moisturizer without oil. Once a week - cleansing mask on the basis of black clay.


If your skin is dry, nourish and moisturize it, but do not forget about peeling. Many believe that a thin dry skin, it does not need, but do not forget that our skin is updated regardless of the type, and gentle gommazhi and scrubs on a cream base will only benefit - after the pores are cleared and a new layer of skin is ready take all the nutrients from the care. However, once a week apply peeling is not necessary. A couple of times a week can make a mask on the basis of white clay, banana, olive oil and honey.


Most often found combination skin - dry on the cheeks, temples, but oily on the forehead, nose and chin. For a skin care a bit more complicated, but it is quite simple to learn. You can combine as a means to care for oily and dry skin, causing a variety of creams on the impact on different areas and the use of special series for combination skin. It is necessary to make a mask, which is saturated with vitamins and fatty dull skin, but at the same time nourish dry areas - for example, a mask of banana and kiwi fruit, oatmeal with cream, strawberries and a teaspoon of grape seed oil. A pink water - ideal lotion for combination skin!

Tags: skin, dry