There are several technologies increase. According to the Japanese - artificial lashes are glued to the base of the native one at a time. There is a method when they are glued beams for 2-6 pieces.
Immediately before the manipulation is necessary to remove make-up, by means having degreasing basis. Start from the eyelashes stick from its outer side or between them. Move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner part of it. You can not stick to the skin hairs century. Using a special curved tweezers much simplify the procedure, it can be purchased together with eyelashes. Clay is best to apply colorless. When you will gain experience, you can take the black glue, it has the effect of eyeliner.
Remove these lashes too easy. Before going to sleep on the line gluing eyelashes, apply vegetable oil, make sure that it does not hit in the eye. In the morning you can easily remove your cilia.
It is not necessary to do this procedure for women who are prone to conjunctivitis and allergic reactions.