Homemade masks for oily skin

Homemade masks for oily skin
 Oily skin is bothering many girls. The problem lies not only in its form, but also in the tendency to inflammation. Completely rebuild your metabolism and make skin normal unlikely, however, to improve its condition and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands is possible. Help in this homemade mask for oily skin.

The task of masks to narrow the enlarged pores and reduce shine. These activities profilaktiruet acne. Face masks for oily skin may include various ingredients.

To prepare the fruit masks must be whipped into a foam egg white and add 5 grams of lemon juice. This composition is applied to problem areas on a quarter hours, then washed with cool water. Protein helps to narrow pores and lemon restores the acid balance of the skin.

Mask for oily skin with apples preparing the way described above, but with an additional component in the form of a tablespoon of fresh apple sauce.

Help oily skin yeast. For the mask need to be dissolved in kefir or yogurt until smooth consistency, then apply on face. The mask is washed away after 15 minutes with warm water, and then the face is rinsed with water, to which was added a few drops of lemon juice.

Almost universally as an ingredient for honey mask is suitable for all skin types. It not only moisturizes, but no less successful and nourishes. Honey mask made from whipped egg whites, a teaspoon of honey and oatmeal. The mixture should be homogeneous, and the consistency of sour cream.

For oily skin is good acidification of the medium, then it is suitable mask sorrel. Finely chopped herbs, pour boiling water in two parts. After cooled broth, it is moistened gauze fabric, in which a pre-cut holes for the eyes and mouth. Paste is spread on top of the sorrel. This mask is applied to clean skin for 20 minutes.

Removes shine mask of cucumber juice and parsley. Also, this composition whitens and helps reduce age spots or freckles. In freshly squeezed juice moistened gauze and applied to the face for fifteen minutes.

To see the effect of household masks do not need to be less than twice a week. It is desirable to alternate formulations to the skin receives the maximum amount of nutrients.

Tags: skin, face, homemade mask