Home peeling

Home peeling
 Many people want to get rid of rough, old skin. Fortunately, the body is designed so that the cells are constantly being updated, and that you can help them with the help of exfoliation. This term is derived from the English word «peel», which means purification.

In any beauty salon can get cleansing, but not everyone can afford it. Professional, not inferior salon peels can be done at home. Before the procedure, you need to understand the type of your skin. If it is dry, then peel should be done every 2 weeks. For people with skin problems prodelyvat procedure, you must each week. The structure includes means for cleaning small mechanical particles that exfoliate the skin.

If you have dry skin type, you can try the following recipe: to 1 tsp. Olive oil, add the beaten egg yolk, a spoonful of buckwheat flour and sugar. Apply scrub on your face and massage. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

For oily skin is perfect mask containing green tea. It relieves inflammation and redness. 1 tsp. Ground almonds Mix with 1 tbsp. spoon bread crumbs and pour green tea. The resulting mush apply on face. Wait 10-15 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.

Sometimes this type of skin when a person is constantly haunted and scaly. In this case, make every 2 weeks following the procedure. Mix the pulp of banana and apple, add 1 tsp. Oatmeal and as much honey. In the resulting mess pour heavy cream. Weight applied to the face, rub for 2-3 minutes. Then wait another 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. You can remove the mask with cotton pad soaked in water.

Known method of peeling of coffee grounds. Just apply it on the face, massage and remove the cotton pad in a circular motion. Then wash with water at room temperature.

Peeling for the body can be carried out with the help of sea salt. Take a conventional oil or body lotion, add sea salt there. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. Apply the mixture on the body and wait for 3 minutes until it dissolves. After this massage the skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with water.

Do not forget that every person is different. It is not known how your skin will react to a particular scrub. Try it on a small area of ​​the body. If there is no irritation, it means that you have found what you need.

Tags: leather, domestic, condition, peeling, care, body