Gait. Work on the bugs

 Beautiful gait - the same trump card that can play a major role in the evaluation and assessment of your self. No fancy accessories and perfect complexion not replace grace and perfection of movement when you glide through life from point A to point B ... And who knows in what fine will lead you gave royal gait.

Look for women who are rushing past you on their overarching business. Skipping or legs wide apart.

Swaying hips or seeds on asphalt fine shot heels. Marching as the parade waving or legs, as something more than a body and poorly manageable. I confess, exaggerating. Most still invisible shadow runs from work to home.

Beautiful walk - really rare and valuable because of their ability to exclusivity. And absolutely unique. So miss this chance profitable to raise their scores in the eyes of others and their own - at least, meaningless.

Correct gait and bring it into proper condition is never too late. The only thing that is required - determination and goal setting. And believe me, quite a bit of effort.

Remember the advice inimitable Isadora Duncan. Imagine that you have something pulls the top of his head up and his chest - onward and upward. Perhaps this is the easiest way to develop a good posture when walking. The main thing with this - for a few days remain aware of the task at hand. In the future, the desire habitually skukozhilas not arise.

For gait training directly on the floor mark a straight line - this "tool" you will need to deal with on a daily basis, gradually transferring the experience in your daily life. Heel should go in a straight line, toes slightly turned.

Despite the advice of numerous gloss, do not try to copy the movement of models on the catwalk. This gait is inappropriate in any office, either on the market or at a party. Anyway, any way of imitation is doomed. Look for a walk, it was the one that suits you.

Step length should equal the length of your foot.

Mincing step will think? Nothing like that. Practice, and you will realize that so walk and easier and more beautiful. When there is a larger step too many unnecessary movements body and head. All superfluous - ruthlessly deleted from their habits.

Often to correct gait woman enough to pay attention to the knees. They are in any case not bend - foot on which you are transferring the center of gravity must be flat. Hip moves with the foot while moving forward - this is the"Step from the hip."

When walking should be retracted belly, not the neck. Relax your shoulders and upper back, how do you feel liberated sandwiched earlier energy. In general, muscle stiffness - the main cause of back pain. Observe what clips you interfere and periodically remind yourself that it's time to relax.

It is this step is useful for health. It helps oxygenate and relieve stress and lose weight.

To correct limping or lopsided gait, develop both halves of the body. This also applies to the one in which hand you wear the bag on what used to build leg. If you have to stand for long, for example in a queue or for specific work, in turn distributes the weight of the body is one, then the other leg. Ideally - regularly engaged on a stationary bike.

Free drop your hands, relax your shoulders, lift the chin and front of the mirror carefully monitor every movement.

Harmony - that should express your step.

Harmony plastics, lines, inner freedom and the unbearable lightness of being. Think of it - one of his gait can you tell us more about yourself than lengthy discussions.


Tags: bug