7 ways to become Energizer

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 Hard and so fast-paced modern life conditions dictate the rules, and to achieve success in their personal lives and climb to the top of the career ladder, sometimes it is necessary to make a superhuman mental and physical effort. How did this become a walking-battery Energizer?  

The first method - Planning Affairs. You should start with the daily routine and planning their own time. Get up early and stay up late is not worth it. All their affairs must be efficiently distributed across time from 7.00 am and 19.00 pm. After this you should give yourself a break. In this aspect, perfectly suited the basic principles of such a useful thing as time management. Exert maximum effort and then you can free to relax much more time. Remember that your "batteries" also must be promptly charged.

The second method - increasing doses of magnesium. Fatigue and disease of varying severity, usually occur due to improper organization of their own power. Daily diet should contain all the necessary components for your body. Fresh fruits, vegetables, fish - the main source of magnesium. Increase their share in their own menu.

The third way - drink more water. Coffee and tea will not work, it is better to use natural juices, dairy products, mineral and spring water. This will restore your strength and you can do things more.

Next, you want to apply a way to fight. If you have no power, you should not fall down and lie down. Move more and perform physical effort. Movement accelerates the blood and provides its tributary to the most depleted link of the chain.

The fifth method - acupressure. Self-massage the space between the thumb and forefinger, and earlobes. Pressing must be strong pain endorphins provide inflow and hence increasing energy levels.

Sixth way - shower. Try to visit this wonderful place at least once a day. Best suited invigorating and refreshing douche. If you can not make it to work, then go home to shower twice a day - in the morning before work and in the evening after it or at bedtime.

And the final, seventh option - periodic loneliness. Nothing is exhausting as the process of communication with others. Turn off the phone, close the door to the room or office and get back to business. But do not dwell on problems, spend that time to good use. Take a look around. The world is so big and mysterious, new horizons are waiting for you!

Tags: force method, shower, wrestling, schedule, energizer