10 factors that have old

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 Look most attractive and naturally wants every woman. The fair sex resorted to various means to ensure that their skin and hair care, restore health, prevent the onset of decay. However, most people forget that in addition to the factors that change the state of the body for the better, there are also factors that old woman, bringing out all its efforts.

One such factor is the gray hair. We are not talking about the usual process of changing hair color, which usually takes quite harmoniously and does not give a woman ages. Plain gray hair gives your year, but does not increase the number of them. The situation is different if you have gray hair caught up too early. This may be a consequence of unpleasant incidents in your life or the characteristics of the organism. Its appearance can be prevented if you follow the right diet to provide yourself the opportunity to at least occasionally enjoy the fresh air, give yourself exercise. If the early gray hair still penetrated into your hair, you can paint over it, get close to the natural color.

The real enemy of women in its fight against signs of aging becomes neck. It was there that the skin begins to signal the approaching old age the earliest. But if it is only functionally first "warning bell" that visually much loose skin ages you now. Therefore it is necessary beforehand to try to delay the onset of this moment - and not just using moisturizers, but also through the development of an ideal posture: straightened his shoulders, straight back and proudly raised his head will not let the neck skin prematurely old.

Bad news for lovers of the solarium will be that visually old and deep tan. Besides the fact that it adds to your age, there is another negative consequence: deep tan adversely affects the skin, causing the first signs of aging appear a few years earlier.

Another factor that you strongly to grow old - is groomed skin on the hands. However, this is not the only reason to pay attention to their condition, because the absence of a manicure, nails and rough running rough skin issue slovenly man, which is not very pleasant to deal with.

Fifth position in the list of the factors that increase your age, take a tired look. It allows others to begin to suspect that you are much older than trying to show it. This applies to very young ladies, who in twenty years can look at the fifty - and all this only because of tired eyes. He has an amazing strength: even a perfectly smooth skin is unable to deal with the impression that it produces. Of course, it is difficult to look rested after a hard day's work, shop and worries about the economy, but we should not forget that in life there are many small pleasures and amenities. Learn to rejoice, and no one even try to think about how old you are.

The abundance of makeup on her face is not just adults, but often older women. This is a dangerous tool that can be both allies and enemies. It is important to know how to use cosmetics to avoid errors. In case of uncertainty is better to stay on as the natural and physical make-up, and any experiment should first try at home before you go out.

Of course, among the factors giving age, could not meet Improper clothing. Sometimes it can even serve as a benefit - for example, a young girl in a business suit at the interview is likely to impress a confident and experienced person (unless, of course, show the relevant professional qualifications). But if you go abroad and you start not look older and wiser and older, and even devastated, exhausted and tired of life.

An important companion is a woman flavor. Choosing smells, remember that they all have their own history, may be appropriate in one place and completely inappropriate in another, suitable for all ages and even character types. Find your perfume is very difficult, and often inept selection toilet water destroys the whole elaborate way. In particular, for every woman, there are scents that her old, causing not feel his age. However, you can learn about them only from personal experience.

The list would be incomplete if it did not have wrinkles. Women struggling with them, starting almost from adolescence, but sooner or later they still occur. And if at a certain age wrinkles begin to look harmonious, up to this point, they just are aging you.

The last factor that you have an old, is the body. If you do not pay attention to it and do not exercise, if you are caught up with cellulite, then be prepared for the fact that with it will come to you and a few extra years. You should not run itself, if you want to stay young and healthy. Old age is attractive and organically, but only if it comes in time.

Tags: leather, list, care, age, fighting, factor