Cleansing facial mask is removed from the skin of impurities and excess sebum (secretions produced by the sebaceous glands), they affect the upper stratum corneum of the skin, making it more pliable. Such a mask is not only suitable for greasy skin types, manufacturers often produce a mask suitable for all skin types (normal, dry mixed, sensitive). A large number of cleaning masks carried on the clay due to its absorbent properties stunning.
Peeling and grinding mask allows you to update the skin, remove it with "black spots" and a layer of dead cells by the action of acids or by mechanical action of fine natural or synthetic particles that serve as a kind of abrasive. Skin them becomes smoother and more elastic. People with sensitive thin skin is not recommended to use these masks too often.
Anti-mask, as the name implies, help reduce inflammation, dried skin. Many of them have little or pronounced cooling effect. Such masks are used after cleaning the skin or during any inflammatory processes. They are also recommended for oily and problem skin.
Toning mask serve to make the skin more supple and fresh. These masks are often in the morning or before any event, when it is necessary "recharge" the skin and get rid of the signs of fatigue. Toning mask is recommended for all skin types.
Moisturizing masks are used to restore the lipid barrier, water balance, saturate the skin with moisture. After application, the skin becomes more supple, stop flaking, dryness and tightness decrease or disappear. First of all, moisturizing mask are recommended for use with dry skin type, but will not prevent them and other types of skin, especially during the cold season.
Nourishing masks are designed to return the shine and beauty of the skin tired and exhausted after a long exposure to stress, sun, frost and wind. "To feed" the skin is necessary for all, especially with age, when the skin begins to produce certain components in a smaller amount.
Pull-up (liftingovye) masks serve to make the facial contours more defined, tighten the skin. Such a mask is recommended for those who have already begun to appear age-related changes. Pull the mask can have an instant effect, or may be designed for a certain period of use for the appearance of results. Restrictions on the type of skin of masks, typically do not.
Smoothing mask make the skin tighter, help get rid of wrinkles, give a person a fresh look. Their action is similar to lifting mask, and they are also recommended for aging skin.
All masks are applied to the pre-prepared skin. Before using the masks you want to remove makeup and wash. Superimposed masks can with your fingers or special spatulas, thin or thick - Be sure to read before using the instructions on the package or in the recipe.