Dry skin
Dry skin is dull matt and narrowing of pores is low in fat and excreted by the presence of pronounced peeling. It pretty quickly wrinkles, especially around the eye area. Often you will notice various types of telangiectasia (dilation of small blood vessels) and flushing (reddening of the epidermis due to the blood vessels filling with blood). Dry skin type is very sensitive to external influences: wind, UV radiation, low temperatures.
Oily skin
Oily skin type is observed more often in boys and girls during puberty, as well as in people who are obese. Excessive fat facial skin may be due to the following factors: the consumption of large amounts of carbohydrate and fat, spicy foods and alcohol, as well as hormonal disorders and improper care of the person (use of fatty creams and poor hygiene).
Oily skin is thick and thick, with careful consideration, you can see the wide pores and excessive shine. It is typical for this type of presence of comedones, blackheads and pustules. Oily skin is more like a lemon and orange peel, with the feeling on the finger or paper is fat trace. Excess sebum protects the skin from drying and formation of early wrinkles.
Normal skin
Normal skin is barely noticeable pores, flat terrain, the harmonious functioning of the sebaceous glands and the absence of oily sheen. This type of the epidermis occurs in young and healthy people, the skin is characterized by elasticity and smoothness, as well as natural and beautiful luster. Normal skin easily tolerates heat and cold, cold wind and daily washing. Owners of this type is practically not familiar problems such as acne, pustular education and a variety of inflammatory processes.
Mixed or combination skin
This type of skin is most common among women, its feature is the combination of two different types - dry and oily. In this case, on the cheeks, in the temporal region, the areas around the eyes and neck skin is dry. It is matte and delicate, prone to early wrinkles and flaking. In the central part of the face are located areas with oily skin - the chin, nose and forehead, which can "shine" and subject to the appearance of acne.