What happens to the skin in winter? Under the influence of cold air in the vessels is a violation of circulation, thereby reducing collagen production. Since the protein of connective tissue responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin, it is easy to guess that the skin becomes thin and flaky, changes its color. To prevent all this, it is necessary to choose the right care.
In any case, do not apply moisturizer a few minutes before going outside. The composition of this medium include water, cold air nevpitavshiesya hydraulic crystallize, therefore the skin becomes inflamed and damaged. In addition, after applying the cream reduces some protective function of the skin, to their recovery takes at least half an hour.
In winter, wipe the skin oily solutions. You can make them yourself. To do this, take olive oil or corn oil, heat in a water bath and wipe their face and neck area. After 15-20 minutes, remove the cloth remnants of funds.
Be sure to tone the skin by means of infusion or decoction of herbs. To do this, you can use the bay leaf, lime, sage, calendula. For example, if you stop your choice on a bay leaf, you will need 3-4 leaf. Fill them with 250 ml of boiling water, cover and leave to infuse capacity. After 3-4 hours, strain the infusion, treat the skin. If you have sensitive skin, make a decoction of licorice root. Pick your skin type by means of cosmetic companies. This may be milk, lotion, gel, cream.
To protect your skin in the winter, apply powder only after the process a person fat cream. In addition, use a hydrating mask. You can make them at home. To do this you will need one egg, a teaspoon of starch and as much honey. Mix the ingredients, add a teaspoon of vegetable there or olive oil. Apply the mask on the face, after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.