Scientists have proved that each cigarette destroys collagen fibers contained in the skin. These substances are responsible for elasticity. Restore them is also very difficult, because tobacco smoke prevents replenishment of vitamin C.
Under the influence of nicotine on the lower skin layer deteriorates circulation. As a result, the skin loses it needs oxygen and darkens. That is why many women smokers complain earthy shade the face. Over time, the cells can be restored, but their quality leaves much to be desired. So a few months later the woman in danger of becoming the owner of a dry skin condition which is only exacerbated by the negative impact of external factors.
Smoking also affects the beauty of female lips. I'm sure many have noticed the deep wrinkles that form in the lower part of the face. Women have to resort to special injections to get rid of the phrase "bitterness".
If you do not want or can not quit smoking, but the dream of a beautiful and healthy skin, it is necessary to give care for her a lot of time. In specialized magazines and on special websites you will find many tips that provide leading beauticians. Women smokers will make regular steam baths, clean pores, resort to peeling, etc. Even make-up removal procedure should become a very serious and responsible task.
Wishes to have beautiful hair and forced to get rid of a bad habit. The fact that nicotine has an adverse effect on blood vessels. As a result, the hair follicles are not nutrient substances that promote their growth. So smoking women should not be surprised to strong hair loss, graying, etc. If you have not quit smoking, think about whether cigarette in order to pay for it with their beauty.