Which just means do not offer modern manufacturers - chewing gum, toothpaste with a maximum range of special effects systems for self-whitening, dental procedures varying degrees of impact. In fact, the only option to bring their teeth into the proper form - visit the dentist regularly.
The color of teeth is not an indicator of their health - and yellowish teeth can be quite strong. Enamel can change color under the influence of chemical reactions (coffee, food dyes, tobacco) or have a natural hue, laid genetically.
Cleaning the teeth involves, in addition to daily procedures, conducting professional dental procedures every six months or a year - the removal of plaque deposits, stones, etc.
Teeth Whitening - it is always a chemical effect on the enamel. Bleaching in the dentist's chair for a few sessions is considered the most effective way. You can whiten your teeth at home, on their own, but it will take more time. The effect in both cases - enamel lightening by several shades. All non-professional whitening products (chewing gum, toothpaste and gels) attenuate the tooth enamel and increase the sensitivity of the teeth. Apply these tools recommended from time to time so as not to upset the balance of microflora in the mouth.
Kits for home bleaching can not affect the color of the enamel to the extent to which this occurs in professional cleaning, since the content of active substances in them below. Additional "effect" of teeth whitening (professional or "domestic") may be increased tooth sensitivity. Neutralize unpleasant sensations help special gels.
Only complete whitening procedures, including cleaning, chemical exposure and subsequent protection of the enamel can give a healthy smile.