Care for themselves, for their skin, hair, women have started a long time ago. But how do they do it, because there was no such development of chemical industry? The answer is simple. They used natural products, which have always been at hand. And the effect of such masks and other cosmetic products was not worse than that of a modern, professional cosmetics.
Today, more and more women are taking their own blueprint recipes of their grandmothers and mothers. The advantages of such cosmetics are obvious: availability, naturalness, saving on expensive products, ease of manufacture.
The house can make a mask for all skin types: dry, oily, normal. There are many recipes to combat aging skin, as well as for rejuvenation, skin whitening, etc.
Give the skin a radiant, fresh look will help toning facial mask. Take one egg yolk and mix it with the juice of tomato. To mask will not melt, add a little flour or starch. Apply it on the face, leave to dry, then rinse with warm water. This mask in addition to the tonic effect, and still has bleaching properties, so for those who want to get rid of age spots or freckles.
Reduce the oiliness of the skin, remove the shine will help mask the yeast. 10-15 g of yeast mix with yogurt or kefir. Add a few drops of any berry juice or juice of plantain. Mix well and apply the mixture on your face. After 15-20 minutes, wipe off the mask in a circular motion and rinse face with warm, then cool water.
To moisten and nourish dry skin suitable mask from egg yolk. Mix one egg yolk with a tablespoon of crushed any fruit (melon, banana, persimmon, apricot). Apply this mixture on the face and wash off after 15 minutes with warm water.
Kefir mask moisturizes the skin as well. For her, you need the following ingredients: 2 tablespoons yogurt, 1 tablespoon unrefined vegetable oil. Butter a little warm up on a water bath, then apply it on your face and neck. Lubricate the top face yogurt and cover with a damp cloth. After 20 minutes rinse with warm water balances.
Cope with the wrinkles around the eyes will help mask of curd and honey. Paul tablespoon of cottage cheese mix with half a teaspoon of honey, add a little vegetable oil, cream and warm milk. Mix well all the ingredients until a uniform mass. Apply it on the eyelid skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.