Irritation and ingrown hairs - two of the most common problems faced by modern girls, resorting to the most different types of hair removal, from shaving to use wax. How do you avoid these troubles? If your skin is very prone to ingrown hairs, you should give preference to shaving. Machines at the same time must be perfectly clean and new, only then you will achieve a good result. However, with proper care the chance encounter with ingrown hairs is low and in other types of hair removal - using electrodepilator or wax. Now, remember: it is very important exfoliation! Both immediately before and in between them. Exfoliate your skin to help get rid of dead skin cells that clog the hair as it comes to the surface as a result it causes itching and extremely unpleasant inflammation.
The next step in the compulsory retirement after and between hair removal - it is moisturizing. Hydrated skin is not peeling and dry, and as a result - you will protect yourself from redness and irritation. Hygiene is also very important, so choose a light moisturizing lotions, gels or creams with natural deodorant and disinfectant components (better if natural). Remarkable "fit" of the sedatives herbal extracts, such as chamomile. They do an excellent job with itching, irritation and redness. It is essential to soothe and moisturize the skin immediately after the procedure.
So, what methods of hair removal is best suited for home use? Already mentioned above shaving is undoubtedly the easiest way and beskhlopotnym. However, the short-lived - light bristles can be felt the next day. Using creams - great for people with sensitive skin, because now you can even find the softest compounds. The advantage of this method is its simplicity, as well as the softness of the skin, hair removed because the blade is not cut, and the soluble components means. Effect lasts a little longer than he shave. Very lucky with the girls is not particularly sensitive to the pain of the skin - they can get rid of the hair up to a month using the appliance! Currently stores can find the various devices, with soothing and multifunctional packing such as a cooling unit, e.g.. When hair removal in such a way is very important a thorough skin care and hair removal period between - unfortunately, ingrown hairs are a very common problem. As for the wax, then there is clearly needed skill, so the first few procedures should be done in the salon and see how the artist works. Wax removes hair from the root, as well as the appliance, and the application of this method is also important "intermediate" care in the form of regular cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing the skin.