As scrub hair dye from skin

As scrub hair dye from skin
 Many manufacturers of hair dyes produce as professional lines, and the means to be used in the home. Often, however, after the self-coloring of hair on the face and hands are traces of paint to be removed.
 Before proceeding to the application of the coloring composition, spread zone start hair growth, neck and ears nourishing cream or Vaseline. Due to the fact that their texture is quite thick, they do not have time to soak in the time of application to the hair, and hence the ink stains, too. You will need to just wash off the cream with warm soapy water.

If you forget to carry out preventive measures, then you can come to the aid of the means at hand. Spread on the stained area of ​​toothpaste, gently rub and rinse. Good cleaning properties and has the usual alcohol. Moisten a cotton pad they attach to the spot, and then gently massage it. Pollution should disappear. Excellent results also yields hydrogen peroxide.

Many hairdressers are advised to use the tools available to you to remove makeup. Lotion or foam, apply directly to the first spot, and a few minutes later with a damp towel or napkin to remove them with paint. Cope with the pollution and your nail polish remover.

In your kitchen, too, certainly there are "helpers". If the paint has not yet had time to absorb into the skin, use a lemon, because due to the acid content it can easily cope with the task of cleansing the skin. Already dried up stains removed by conventional baking soda. Pour it into a teaspoon, add a few drops of water and mix. You should get a paste, which when rubbed on the skin will begin to act like peeling and dissolve dirt. But if the facial skin is prone to dryness, use vegetable oil. Rub it with cotton wool in the contaminated area of ​​the skin, and after a while, rinse with warm water and soap.

As quickly as possible to remove stains from paint will help a special tool for removing paint from the skin. Buy it possible, as a rule, in the same store where the lines have a professional hair care.

Tags: paint, skin, hair