Victory on all fronts: the skin, hair, nails

 What are the signs tell others about the well-groomed and attractive women? Firstly, the condition of its skin. It should be clean and smooth. Second, the perfect manicure - beautiful, strong nails correct form. And thirdly, of course, hair. Shiny, soft curls always admired! It is on these fundamental elements of feminine beauty and will be discussed further.

1. Ideal hands

You, like any woman, cherish your manicure. Long, neat nails - part of your image and emotional balance. But when they began to exfoliate and break, you need to take immediate action. And that's whatshould pay attention in the first place:

Ration. Your task - to give your body enough calcium. To do this, turn in your diet more hard cheese, milk and fish. Also useful are cabbage, shrimp and black bread.

Care. Weak nails will benefit the olive oil. 1-2 times a week, apply it on the skin of your hands and nails. Also considered a proven remedy salt baths. Dissolve in warm water teaspoon ocean or sea salt and a 20-minute soak in the resultant composition hands.

2. First Person

Admit it, you've always dreamed about making your skin was perfectly smooth and does not require special care. But in reality, this simply can not be. After all, once your body something goes wrong, it signals the skin. However, in your power to get closer to perfection.Only need to know a few secrets:

Ration. The most important element for the skin cells - water. The disadvantage of this body will certainly turn a dull complexion and desquamation. Make it a rule to drink at least two liters of water a day. Another important reason lies in the intestinal microflora. Violation of its balance can be caused by malnutrition and cause goiter. And it certainly will affect the skin. To avoid such problems should drink a course of probiotics, such as Linex. It contains a set of useful bacteria, which normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Care. Make it a rule not to wash with water from the tap. It is better to use boiled, mineral water or special tools for cleaning the skin. Twice a day I use a moisturizer, do not let dry out the skin. Never go to bed in makeup! And choose cosmetics that are optimally suited to your skin type.

3. Luxury Hair

Beautiful hair - certainly a true gift of nature. But there are a huge number of reasons, the negative impact on their health. How do you help a brittle, dry strands gain glow?Remember that split ends need special care:

Ration. Include in your menu fatty acids. They are contained in fish such as tuna, sardines, salmon, as well as in cereals, nuts, and olives, vegetable oil.

Care. Apply to the hair ends useful oil. Perfectly suited castor, jojoba and burdock. Regularly trim the split ends and do not abuse hairdryer.

What care products for skin, hair and nails are you using? What do you think, is it possible to look well-groomed, with health problems? Discuss in a review to the article!

Tags: hair, front