Proper skin care after 25

Proper skin care after 25
 In 25 years, it's time to youth and carefree attitude to their appearance ends. Young woman after 25 years already requires close attention and proper care. Taking care of your skin in 25 years - contribution to personal piggy bank, which determines how a woman will look like in 35, and 45 and 55 years old.

When it comes to skin care, often remembered only about creams, masks and other "PARK", forgetting about the main thing. The main thing is that the skin - the outer shell of the body, a condition which reflects the state of the organism. If the body is clean, healthy, rested, so is the skin. Therefore, you should start with the normalization of lifestyle:

- Go to bed no later than 22 hours;

- Eat natural quality products (fruits, vegetables from his garden, forest berries from clean places, meat, whole milk, cottage cheese, etc.). Meals should be varied and include all necessary health matter;

- Avoid consumption of large quantities of sweet and fat, the skin is clean, free of lesions;

- Normalize drinking regime. During the day you should drink 1, 5-2 liters of clean water. As with so much fluid from the body will be washed and useful salt should be added to the water a little bit of sea salt at the rate of 3 grams per 2 liters of water. Drinking enough water helps the excellent view of the skin and serves as the prevention of dark circles under the eyes;

- Exercise regularly, move, walk in the fresh air. This helps to improve skin color and extends its youth.

With regard to the direct effects on the skin, you will need the following tools for skin care:

- Cleanser that does not contain soap. Better to choose a cleanser of the same firm as the cream that you use. Person should be cleaned twice a day - night's sleep before and after it. Never go to sleep without having washed, even if you are very tired, or blackheads and pimples individual you can not avoid;

- Cream for the skin around the eyes. At the age of 25 years are no pronounced facial wrinkles, but the prevention of their appearance already required, so choose not anti-aging, but hronoaktivny cream;

- Moisturizer with SPF-filter will help support the youth of your skin during the day;

- Hronoaktivny night cream will deal with the appearance of first wrinkles night.

These funds are necessary to your skin, like air. The rest - as you wish: a properly fitted lotions, tonics and masks not hurt.

Most importantly, remember that skin care is not an end in itself, the goal - to look good, so often look in the mirror, it is your friend and always honestly say how well you are caring for.

Tags: leather, Ambassador, care